Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Wedding Ring Set

Wedding ring set styles

To decide on the style first think if you are going to wear your ring set every day. If so, it should not only be beautiful but practical. The style should be elegant enough to go with most of your cloth.

What wedding ring set styles are available to you? Most popular is a set that consists of a classical ring with a single diamond and a ring with channel set diamonds. But there are other possibilities. If you like something more elaborate think of engraved style or a beaded edge style. There are also vintage wedding ring sets and Celtic style bands.

The best way to find a style you like is to visit a big online wedding ring shop. Don’t mind the prices for now, just look at different ring set styles they offer and see what you like the most.

Choosing the right metal for your ring

After deciding on the style, you will have to make up your mind about the material for your ring set. Here you have a choice of gold, white or yellow, platinum and titanium. But even before you go for a particular material asks yourself do you want a yellow wedding ring set or a white set?

If you want yellow, than your only choice is traditional gold. White wedding rings are becoming more popular in recent years, because they look more modern and easier to match with any cloth. Think of the other jewelry you own and wear often, will white or gold go with most of it?

Also think of how much you can afford to spend on your ring set. Most expensive is not necessarily the best. If you go for a cheaper metal, you can have a set with bigger, better quality diamond.

Gold wedding ring sets

Yellow gold wedding ring set is the easiest to find. Yellow is traditional and also it has that warm feeling that is associated with marriage. When looking for traditional gold sets most people think that more carats (more pure the gold) the better. This is not always true.

Gold is a very soft metal, and 24 carats gold ring can get scratches easily. For the purpose of durability 14 carats gold ring sets are the most popular, but if you want more pure gold, 19 carat is a good balance between purity and durability of your ring.

Platinum wedding rings and ring sets

Platinum is an excellent material if you can afford it. Platinum rings have a whiny white look and last forever without a single scratch. Platinum doesn’t come in carats because the metal used in jewelry is pure and not mixed with any other metals.

Titanium ring sets

Titanium ring set is another option. Titanium doesn’t shine as much as platinum or white gold, but it has a stylish modern look, it is very durable and not as expensive as platinum. Titanium wedding ring sets are not as widely available as ones from other metals, so you will have to do a special search online for them.

If you decide on the style, price range and material for your wedding ring set in advance, it will be much easier to find a perfect set. You can look at different jewelry stores and department stores.

Actually department stores often have wedding ring sets on sale, so you can get a good deal. If you don’t find anything suitable locally, search for your ring set online. There a hundreds of jewelry shops online, they offer great selection or rings and the prices are usually better than in traditional shops.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Man’s Wedding Ring

Picking out the man’s wedding ring can sometimes be more difficult then picking out the woman’s ring. Let’s face it; it is just not “manly” for a man to wear jewelry. So how in the world are you supposed to pick out a man’s wedding ring? Here are some questions to ask yourself when choosing your man’s wedding ring.

1) What is the Price?

Men do not like to spend money on jewelry. Money can be spent on a tool set or a big screen television perhaps, but not on a man’s wedding ring. Most men are not going to be impressed if you spent a lot of money on a man’s ring. They would much rather hear that you got a killer deal on it. Definitely do not feel obligated to spend a lot of money on your man’s wedding ring. Anything that does not turn his finger green will probably work just fine.

2) What Size?

How large does you man want his wedding ring? The width of the wedding band is something you should think about. Some men like just thin bands while others like very thick wedding bands. This is something that you need to consider when picking out your man’s wedding ring.

3) What is His Style?

What does your husband-to-be like? Is he more of a traditional person or does he like things that are new and unique. This is usually a good indicator of what he wants in a wedding ring. Some men are completely satisfied with the standard gold wedding band; however, others like to find what is new in the market such as a tungsten ring (with a tungsten ring, your husband can basically put his finger through a meat grinder and their ring will survive without a scratch). A man’s wedding ring should reflect his personality.

4) Is There a Way to make it Meaningful?

It is always nice to make the wedding ring meaningful. For example, you can pick the style of his father’s or your father’s wedding. Possibly there is a family heirloom that can be passed on to him or maybe there is something that you can engrave onto his ring. If possible, try to give significance to the man’s wedding ring.

5) Should it match my Wedding Band?

In most cases, the man’s wedding ring matches the woman’s wedding band, but this is not always the case. If you are not sure what to get, it is always safe to get matching wedding bands but make sure to talk to him about it, he could possible have something else in mind.

6) Does he want to be Part of the Process?

This is probably the most important question. Maybe he knows exactly what he wants for his wedding ring and you are worrying about picking one out for him for no reason. It is traditional for the man and the woman to select their wedding bands together. While he may be completely disinterested, let him have the chance to be a part of the decision. This ring will be on his finger for quite some time, so he should get a say in the matter.

Don’t let picking out your man’s wedding ring become too difficult of a task. Just remember to pick something that fits him and his personality and make sure to invite him to be a part of the process. When picking out your man’s wedding ring, it is time to think about what he likes (since he is the one wearing it) instead of what you want for him. Make him happy. The bottom line here is to know your man.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Tuberous Begonia

(Second part)

Purchase only high quality, firm tubers. Tubers can be started early indoors one month before the frost-free date for your area in flats or pots filled with a 50:50 mixture of moist peat moss and perlite. The depressed side of the tuber should be facing up.
The tubers should be sprouted in the dark at 70 degrees F.

As soon as shoots develop, cover the tubers with more peat moss, and move to a bright location such as a sunny window. The young plants should not be transplanted outdoors until all danger of frost has passed. When planting, place the tubers just slightly below the soil line as they rot easily when planted too deep.

A minimum 18-inch spacing is recommended to allow the plants to fill out properly. After planting, do not cultivate around the root system or fibrous roots will be damaged. Since the stems are quite brittle, they often need staking, especially in windy areas. Plants should be watered when the soil begins to dry.

The tubers will rot if they are overwatered. Try to water in the morning if possible so that any moisture that gets on the foliage will have time to dry before evening. Wet foliage increases the chance of disease. Pick flowers off as the edges turn brown to prevent them from rotting and starting disease. If plants are dry and stressed and the leaves turn brown, the cause may be too much sun, too much heat, or too little water.

If plants are leggy, this means that they are getting too little light. White growth on leaves is powdery mildew disease. Fungicides can be used, but wider spacing and more air circulation may be all that is needed. After the first fall frost, dig the tubers and remove the foliage. Dry the tubers for a few days, and store them overwinter by placing them in dry peat moss or sawdust in a paper bag at about 50 degrees F.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Tuberous Begonias

If you are looking for a colorful, attractive flower to grace your garden, try the tuberous begonia. It is easy to grow, does well in the shade, needs moderate care, and will reward you with a lovely display of blooms all summer long.

Tuberous begonias come in shades of white, pink, red, yellow, orange, and salmon, as well as bi-colors. If they have a darker edge to the petals, they are called “picotee.” Double flowers are male, and single flowers female. The large flowers are usually double and may be six inches or more in diameter. Plants generally grow 12 to 18 inches tall.

Depending on the variety, plants may have camellia, ruffled camellia, or rosebud type flowers. The hanging basket has smaller, more numerous flowers than the more erect types.

Nonstop begonias, which were first developed in Germany, are a popular series. They are so named because if given some light during the night during winter months (indoors or in a greenhouse, of course), they will bloom nonstop.

Many people don’t realize that begonia flowers can be eaten! The lemony sour flavor goes well with fruit salad, salads, yogurt, or ice cream. Just make sure if you are going to eat flowers, you don’t use any pesticides on the plant.

Tuberous begonias do best in a location that has partial to full shade and light, rich, well-drained soil. However, they also make excellent patio plants in containers.

Prepare the site by incorporating organic matter, such as peat moss or compost, into the upper eight to ten inches of the soil to improve plant performance. Add fertilizer at the rates recommended by a soil test, or feed every two weeks with a general purpose liquid fertilizer.

Use half strength when the plants are young and just sprouting. You may also use a slow or controlled release fertilizer in the final beds or pots.

Purchase only high quality, firm tubers. Tubers can be started early indoors one month before the frost-free date for your area in flats or pots filled with a 50:50 mixture of moist peat moss and perlite. The depressed side of the tuber should be facing up.
The tubers should be sprouted in the dark at 70 degrees F.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Hair Accessories

Hair sticks also form a part of bridal hair accessories. These are particularly used to secure hair that is styled in a bun or updo. Decorative hair sticks are used to hold the hair in place. These are also available in various shapes and styles as well.

Bridal hair accessories also include hair picks. These are tiny jewels that can be worn in the hair either in a particular pattern or they can also be scattered throughout the hair.

Bridal hair slides that are bedecked in pearls and stones are also great to keep your hair in place. These are actually simple hair clips that are modified to look ultra glam.

Shells; particularly the mother of pearl, acts as a great bridal hair accessory as well. These can be used after drilling a small hole in it, which would make it relatively easier to use.

Ribbons and lace can also be used to create an innovative look for the wedding hairstyle. These can be interwoven into the hair. Ribbons can also be used to create pretty bows where as lace can be tied up into small bunches and hair can be wrapped around it.

The amount of bridal accessories you can encounter at any outlet may be innumerable. The trick lies in finding the right one to suit your hairstyle in the best manner possible.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Hair Accessories

The wedding day brings great excitement and even anxiety to many brides. Planning the right wedding gown and a hairstyle to blend with the style of the gown can be a cumbersome task to many.

This, of course needs loads of planning and discussions with your hair stylist to find one that suits you to perfection. Using the right bridal hair accessories can help you look your best on your wedding day.

You might wonder what’s the big deal about hair accessories! Before you plan to use any, you must be aware of the various kinds of bridal hair accessories that are available in the market. The perfect bridal hair accessories can turn any simple hairdo into a fantastic looking one. So, take a look at some of the bridal hair accessories that are seen on the fashion scenario today.

Hair clips are one of the most basics of hair accessories. This primarily serves the purpose of managing your hair by keeping the hair off the face or piling them up above the head.

Hair clips come in a wide variety as well, such as Barrettes, which are made of metal or plastic or even wood. For your wedding day, an ideal hair accessory would be hair snaps that are mainly used for decorative reasons. Hair snaps are used to hold the tiny strands of hair in place.

Bridal hair accessories cannot be complete without the mention of hair combs. This is a kind of a headpiece that is attached to the head due to a small comb shaped structure attached to it.

Hair combs can be worn on top of the head as well as on the side. Hair combs come in attractive designs and finishes that are bejeweled with pearls and rhinestones. Hair combs look fabulous when worn with stylish updos.

Crystal hairpins look fabulous and are one of the most sought after wedding accessories. Crystal hairpins are available in Orchid shaped designs, diamante branch shapes, soft feathery look or even in funky shapes as well. Choose one that best suits your gown and hairstyle.

Flowers are one of the most favored patterns in bridal hair accessories and if you have a penchant for flowers, these are bound to add a fresh ‘fragrance’ to your wedding hairstyle. Flowers, whether real or artificial are often used as a bridal hair accessory by many.

For those girls who are going in for a simplistic ponytail, you can opt for decorative elastics or ponytail holders that will add a quaint touch to your entire hairstyle.

Headbands are also one of the most glamorous and stylish bridal hair accessories that one can opt for. These have different widths and can be worn with stylish updos. You can opt for sparkling tiara’s that can add to the dazzle of the wedding day. Tiaras are available in various designs such as flowers made in crystals.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Beautiful Bridal Hair

  • Don’t choose a hairstyle that makes you feel not yourself. Brides often get pressured into certain styles because of “tradition”. If a particular style makes you feel uneasy, don’t choose it. It does not matter that your mother, best friend or hairstylist like it – what really matters is YOU.
  • Before going to the stylist, try to develop a good idea of what type of hairstyle you would like. Cut out the pictures of your favorite hairstyles from magazines and bring them to the stylist. If you can’t find any pictures, be prepared to describe exactly what you want.
  • Try out the hairstyle in advance, before your wedding day. Schedule the “practice run” with your stylist. If the hairstyle that you envisioned does not look as good on you as you had hoped, you’ll be glad you found that out before the big day!
  • Walk around with this hairstyle for several hours to make sure it’s comfortable. The last thing you would want is to have hair pins hurting you and ruining your fun.
  • At the “practice run”, bring a Polaroid or digital camera to take instant pictures. Ask the stylist to take pictures from the back and other angles. The pictures will give you a better idea how the style would look to others (as opposed to just looking in the mirror).
  • Make sure your hair style does not get completely messed up several hours later. Try moving around and see if the hair stays put. You would not want a hair disaster during the first dance!
  • Your hair style should go well with your wedding dress and headpiece. Classic dresses go best with classic hairstyles. Non-traditional dresses might look odd with the formal updos. Buy the dress before you select a hairstyle. Bring your headpiece and the picture of your dress to the stylist, so the stylist can evaluate whether it’s a good match.
  • Don’t have any coloring or chemical treatments done right before the wedding – these can go wrong, and there won’t be time to fix them! Do them several weeks in advance.
  • Don’t make drastic changes. Your wedding day is not the time to color your hair in a completely different color or cut off long locks. After all, you would still want people to recognize you at your own wedding!
  • Be aware that updos will make you look taller. Depending on your situation, it might work for you or against you. If you are already taller than the groom or are the same height, don’t do an updo. If you are short, use the updo to your advantage.
  • Don’t make your hairstyle too flamboyant – it should not compete with your face and your dress. You would want to avoid the situation where your hair is the only thing that jumps out at people when they look at you.
Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Makeup Rules

Have a portfolio or picture selection available for brides-to-be to view along with the bridal makeup used. Often, it is difficult for a bride to express into words the look she is going for. Photographs can help you communicate.

Set up consultation. This should be done a few weeks ahead of time. During the consultation, note the time of day the wedding will take place, flowers, dress style and color, hair color, bridal hair style, eye color, time of year, and personality. If possible, communicate with the stylist to discuss the hair style.

It may also be a good idea to ask to see some of the makeup products that the bride is already using. This will give you a good insight as to what the bride is accustomed to wearing.

Discuss different bridal hair and makeup trends. Allow the bride to get a visual by seeing the photos. Then follow by setting up a second appointment.

It is at the second meeting that you can unveil your plans for makeup. Demonstrate your selection for the bride-to-be. Demonstrate more than one bridal makeup style and photograph the results.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Bridal Hair and Makeup

A wedding day is most likely to be one of the most treasured days in a bride’s life. With brides such as Cinderella and Snow White as role models, it is of no surprise that expectations are at their highest.

Therefore, brides expect to look and feel their best. It is what a bride deserves. That is where a makeup artist can enter with the wand and add to the dazzle and elegance of the wedding day.

Bridal hair and makeup should be simple, yet elegant. It is important t remember that the hair and makeup should not compete with the bride’s dress; rather the hair and makeup should complement the dress.

Equally important, is knowing the expectations of the bride. The makeup artist should note that the bride will want to feel comfortable, not confined by her bridal hair and makeup. Being comfortable may also mean keeping the makeup simple, not vibrant.

This may not be the day to experiment with a new style. The bride does not want to feel self-conscious of her new look. She will want everyone to notice her beauty today and for years that follow in photographs.

Today’s bridal makeup and hair is soft and subtle. The effect is sexier, less harsh. Hair can be worn down, flowing with loose curls and waves. The updo that once dominated the bridal hair scene has a much softer look as well.

Today’s updo style is not sprayed, pinned, and tucked to hide every loose hair. The look is pinned and tousled, leaving it soft and stylish. The bridal hair is romantic.

Bridal makeup trends are soft and romantic to complement the hair and latest trends in bridal gowns and bridal hair. No longer do the lips have to be lined heavily and matte foundation with loose powder applied. While this is traditional, today’s bridal makeup is more radiant and natural. Today’s brides want to glow with elegance.

There are some bridal hair and makeup rules and tips that the makeup artist can follow to ensure the wedding day will be a beautiful success.

Posted by: marinvit | 2010

Summer Garden

Now that it’s spring, it’s a good time to organize and plan your summer garden if you haven’t done so already. The winter recess from outdoor chores is ending, so take advantage of this “low maintenance” period by utilizing your renewed gardening enthusiasm to plan your garden.

Planning before you purchase is particularly important when flower bulbs and annuals will be sharing the limelight–and color scheme–with your perennials.

Before you pick up a hoe or plant a bulb or annual, have a garden design in mind. However, time is running short, especially if you plan to purchase from mail order nurseries.

Take a tip from the pros and start with a diagram of your garden. (Packaged landscaping kits are available by mail order or from home garden stores. Just make a rough aerial-view sketch of the shape of your yard and the location of your planting areas. Specific measurements and drawn-to-scale renderings are not necessary.

Include on your layout all your trees, shrubs, and planters. Note the blooming season and color of your perennials. Now for the creative part. Cut out garden magazine and catalog pictures of the bulbs, annuals, and bedding plants that appeal to you and arrange them on your layout. Just make sure they are hardy for your area.

Experiment with different groupings and locations before you make your shopping list. This preview can inspire creative combinations you might not have envisioned at the bulb bins or store shelves. Don’t forget to review any photographs or notes you made when appraising your garden last summer.

Contact mail order companies and visit local garden centers and plant departments at supermarkets soon. The selection of annuals and colorful summer flowering bulbs like dahlias, lilies, gladiolus, and begonias is best early in the season.

Early spring does offer an opportunity to get your hands dirty–finally! You can start planting summer bulbs and transplanting summer annuals you started indoors to get a jump start on the season.

Dahlias are a summer garden staple for many Vermont gardeners, and it’s not too early to start them. Plenty of ready-to-plant dahlia tubers are on the market in early spring.

If you’ve stored dahlia tubers from last year’s garden, divide the clumps into individual tubers and plant now. After planting, water the soil thoroughly, and set the pots out in a shaded spot until they start to grow.

Tuberous begonias also can be started now for the summer garden. Starting tubers indoors now will extend their growing season and the length of time you can enjoy them.

By Dr. Leonard Perry, Extension Professor

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